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Comparison between indoor and outdoor swing barrier gates

Although there are several types of turnstile gates, such as swing barrier gates, flap barrier gates, tripod turnstiles and full-height turnstiles, they are all access control devices, but there are certain differences in the barrier body and appearance. In fact, as a mechanical equipment, the turnstile gate can be installed and used indoors and outdoors. However, some people think that indoor turnstile gates are weaker than outdoor turnstiles. The following comparative analysis will introduce to you the differences between indoor and outdoor turnstile gates.


Indoor swing barrier gate, indoor flap barrier gate VS outdoor swing barrier gate, outdoor flap barrier gate.


Environmental weather resistance: IP43 for indoors; IP65 for outdoor. According to local conditions, the outdoor turnstile gate should be resistant to high temperature, severe cold, sunlight interference, condensation, etc.


Safety: General indoor swing barrier gates, indoor flap barrier gates, outdoor swing barrier gates and outdoor flap barrier gates are equipped with infrared & mechanical & current detection triple anti-pinch, over-force feedback control (swing barrier gates), and anti-electric shock.


Stability & life: General indoor swing barrier gates, indoor flap barrier gates, outdoor swing barrier gates and outdoor flap barrier gates have passed 10 million life tests.


Advancedness: General indoor swing barrier gates, indoor flap barrier gates, outdoor swing barrier gates and outdoor flap barrier gates are equipped with logic algorithms and mechanical structures


Compatibility: General indoor swing barrier gates, indoor flap barrier gates, outdoor swing barrier gates and outdoor flap barrier gates can integrate access control, visitor, attendance, ticketing, face recognition, QR code recognition and other systems.


Aesthetics: Indoor swing barrier gates and outdoor flap barrier gates are generally designed to be small in size, and the color appearance can be selected in accordance with the overall indoor design. Outdoor swing barrier gates and outdoor flap barrier gates need to be designed with a base at the bottom.


Comparison results: Compared with the outdoor model, the indoor model has weaker waterproof and dustproof capabilities, but it has a more beautiful appearance and a smaller size. Other aspects are not much different from the outdoor model.